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Having elephants carry tourists at Amber Fort in Jaipur is big business.
Day and night, an ayurvedic doctor with his master struggle for the elephants health, guided by an ancient elephant book from maharaja times. Amongst many sick elephants, Sita`s situation becomes grievous, while her mahout gets married and her owner is buying new elephants. This is 1st case of mercy killing of an elephant in India...
A passionate first take documentary with an insight view of a deeply devoted Hanuman and Ganesh culture.

Broadcast in series possible.

Elefantenritte hinauf zum Amber Fort in Jaipur sind ein grosses Geschäft in Indien. Doch hinter die Kulissen geschaut, geht es den Tieren sehr schlecht. Ein ayuvedischer Arzt und sein Meister erproben hingebungsvoll alte Lehrmethoden an Hand der Elefantenbücher aus Maharaja Zeiten, um die kranken Elefanten zu heilen. Die Elefantenkuh Sita wird zum historischen Beispiel. Nach fünf qualvollen Wochen des Abliegens wird von oberster Stelle die erste Gnadenerlösung im Staate Indien bewilligt.
Ein leidenschaftlicher "first take-" Dokumentarfilm mit Einblick in eine zutiefst verankerte Ganesh Kultur.

Ausstrahlung als Filmserie möglich.

Director's photos

von Werner Baumann, Alf-TV
mit Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky über Elefanten,
Elefanten in Not und ihren neuen Film
"Where the Elephant Sleeps".

Dec. 8, 2015: Supreme Court of India, Record of Proceedings

Dec. 8, 2015 Supreme Court of India document
12. Dez. 2015
Dear Suparna and Brigitte
 „This is excellent news I am so proud of Bo for sharing her film "When the Elephants Sleeps."
and it has made an impact on the judge.
Suparna you are a hero for all the hard work you have put in, these are blessings of lord Ganesha…“
Timmie Kumar (Managing Trustee HIS)

12. Dez. 2015
Dear Brigitte,
„This is a magnificent Order.
Looking and reading the Order, we somehow strongly feel that he has seen the film " Where the Elephant Sleeps."
Suparna Ganguly (WRRC and CUPA)

12. Dez 2015
Brigitte - THANK YOU. The film has accomplished something very rare which no words can put into place.“
„Our Counsel argued very well and also pointed out the screen shots of the movie, I we suspect he saw the DVD submitted with our petition.“
Suparna Ganguly (WRRC and CUPA)

12. Dez 2015
Dear Brigitte,
„I would like to thank you for allowing us to use a clip of your film for the conference.
Still pictures from the clip were also used for the case in Supreme Court.
I am sure it is these pictures that helped our advocates in making a very strong case in court at the hearing on the 8th Dec.
The judge also seems to have been moved by the photos, as he has come out with a very strong order.“
Shiela Rao (WRRC und CUPA)

National Agricultural Science Center (NASC)

Complex, Pusa, New Dehli, India
Nov 19, 2015, 6:45pm


Sixteen minute excerpts from the film "Where the Elephant Sleeps" by Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky will be screened.

With Compassion Unlimited Plus Action (CUPA), Suparna Ganguly
Asian nature conservation Foundation" (ANCF)
Union Cabinet Minister Smt. Maneka Sanjay Gandhi
Prof. B.M.Arora, President of the Association of Indian Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (AIZWV)
Mr. Rajeev K. Srivastava, Inspector General Wildlife (Project Elephant)

Panel discussion: Elephant Predicament
by Rajeev K. Srivastava, Vivek menon, Surendra Varma, Susan Mikota and Suparna Ganguly
website © 2004-2015 Brigitte Uttar Kornetzky